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日期:2021-07-07 14:19:50

The book I have read during the wintervacation was The Unquiet Grave, writtenby M。R。James, who was famous for

writing scary stories and was respected bymillions and millions readers。

The book The Unquiet Grave contains fiveparts, and each part in this book tells us ascary story。 It has no relationships in thecontent of each article, but all of the

stories‘ setting are totally the same- -theyall happened in Cambridge University,

each of them were connected by a corpsewhich was resurge strangely, frighteningthe life out of the role of each chapter, causing a great many troublesomeproblems。


The book I have read during the winter vacation was The Unquiet Grave, written by M。R。James, who was famous for writing scary stories and was respected by millions and millions readers。
  The book The Unquiet Grave contains five parts, and each part in this book tells us a scary story。 It has no relationships in the content of each article, but all of the stories’ setting are totally the same—they all happened in Cambridge University, each of them were connected by a corpse which was resurge strangely, frightening the life out of the role of each chapter, causing a great many troublesome problems。
  I was so impressed by the first two scary stories。 Mr。 Williams received the painting that he was so interested in。 after finishing writing a letter one night, Mr。 Williams occasionally found a figure was in the middle of the lawn in the expensive painting, crawling on hands and knees, moving towards to the unknown house。 The next day, Mr。 Williams invited his friends Nisbet to come and discuss the mystery about the ―unpleasant figure‖。 Luckily, Mr。 Williams found the details about the unknown house—actually, it was a church named Anningly; and knew a little about the mystery of the Francis Family who were living there in twelfth-century。 With the help of Doctor Green, Mr。 Williams went a step further knowing the history of the Francis Family。 Now, the ―unpleasant figure‖ was in the museum, even though visitors now watched it so carefully。
  The second story was happened in an inn in Suffolk years ago。 A young man named Thomson, coming here and searching peaceful surroundings for reading。 One day, he wanted to go

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  to the four rooms next to the room Mr。 Thomson lived。 When he came to the first room, he became nervous。 It was something in the bed that was moving and shaking。 And he was sure it could not be a rat because the figure of a person under the blanket was so clear, the shape of the head, the body…。 Before he left the inn, he lied to the owner of the inn in order to have a chance to go upstairs to check out what it was on earth in the next room。 When he opened the door, he found it was only a scarecrow, but it was no longer an amusement, the scarecrow could shake his head himself, moving on the floor freely…。 Later, Mr。 Betts told Mr。 Thomson the truth。 At the same time, I knew it also。
  It is really a good book, not only its content, but also the author’s thought in the book。 I have ever said, ―An excellent book is that can bring readers into the scenes of the story, and makes reader thinks a lot。‖ I think it can not only teach us a lot, but it will let us know what scary story is。 I am certain I will be like Professor Parkins, seeing a scarecrow in a field late on a winter will make me sleepless for a whole week, or a month。

  或者光天化日之下来到年轻的汤姆森先生度假住的一家小旅馆。爱德华 。 邓宁先生的房间里灯灭了,他伸手去找火柴,黑暗中他的手触到的是什么?乡绅鲍尔斯的妻子和继子要问个问题,可只有鲍尔斯知道答案,你怎么去向一个躺在坟墓里的死人问题呢?当帕金斯教授吹起他拾到的一个很旧的口哨时,是只有风作答,还是有别的东西?一种你见不着、听不见却又难以想像有多么可怕的东西………
谢谢 。。。。


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