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日期:2021-05-03 07:19:16

Braves grave dangers and makes great sacrifices for the woman, inserts the woman two knives for brothers

1。 Look at a man‘s taste, depends on his shoes。
2, to see whether a woman has meaning to go look at her posture。
3, see a person’s blood, depending on his hair。
4, look at a person‘s intention, to look at his eyes。
5 to see a person’s worth, depending on his opponent。
6, to see a person‘s cards, look at him friend。
7, look at a person’s character, depending on how his words are written。
8, to see whether a person is happy, do not look a smile, look at the time of the early morning wake Verge expression。
9, to see a person‘s mind, to see how he was the face of failure and betrayal。
10, to see the relationship between two people, depending on the accident, the other the level of tension。
11, if you want to know a person is not really love you, happy to see he is not thinking about you, but not a sad time。
12, if you want to know a person is not your friend, that depends on whether he and your heart have, not want you to tell him anything。
13, if you want to know a person is not your real friends, then you see him at the time of distress, will go through anything for you, and not eat and drink with you every day。
14, if you want to know whether a person is caring, that depends on whether he likes small animals。
15, if you want to know whether a person is self-cultivation, to see him on a bus that will for the elderly, children to seat。
16, if you want to know if there is quality, it is not love to see him petty advantages。
17, if you want to know whether a person has heart, and that depends on whether he is behind the bad people。
18, if you want to know whether a person is lying, then you see his eyes when they speak, their eyes tell you everything。
19, if you want to know whether a person cares about you, that you want to see if he remembered the words you have said。
20, if you want to know whether a person is worried about you, that depends on a cold day when he is thought to remind you add clothes。
21。 If you want to know your weight in the minds of how that person, that depends on whether he remember your birthday or anniversary。
22。 If you want to know whether a man pay attention, that depends on his shoes are clean。
23。 If you want to know whether a man worthy of your love, that depends on whether he is a caring, responsible, and not have any status and money。
24。 If you want to know whether a guy worthy of your love, that depends on his inner, rather than appearance, look cute and not because he is handsome, but not because of handsome and lovely。

Sheds one’s blood with his friends。 这是最接近中文“两肋插刀”的英文说法,是我的老外同事告诉我的。


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