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日期:2022-09-04 19:31:38

  • 成语:当仁不让 出自哪本书
  • 别人对你说当仁不让,你应该怎么回答?
  • 成语接龙 当仁不让
  • 当仁不让 怎么接下一句我该说什么才是
  • 一、成语:当仁不让 出自哪本书

    当仁不让 出自《论语 卫灵公》[
    【成语拼音】 dāng rén bù ràng
    【成语解释】 碰到应该做的好事就积极主动去做;不推托;不谦让。当:面对着;仁:原指正义的事;现泛指应该做的好事。
    【成语出处】 先秦 孔子《论语 卫灵公》:“当仁不让于师。”朱熹集注:“当仁,以仁为己任也。”
    【成语繁体】 当仁不让
    【成语简拼】 drbr
    【成语注音】 ㄉㄤ ㄖㄣˊ ㄅㄨˋ ㄖㄤˋ
    【常用程度】 常用成语
    【感情色彩】 中性成语
    【成语用法】 偏正式;作谓语、状语、定语;指该做就做
    【成语结构】 偏正式成语
    【产生年代】 古代成语
    【成语正音】 当,不能读作“妥当”的“dànɡ”;不,不能读作“bú”。
    【 近义词 】 义不容辞、理所当然
    【 反义词 】 推三阻四、临阵脱逃
    【成语例子】 人家骂小弟鱼肉乡愚,这句话仔细想来,在小弟却是当仁不让。(清 李宝嘉《官场现形记》第十七回)
    【英语翻译】 not dedine to shoulder; responsibility
    【日语翻译】 为(な)すべきことは积极的(せっきょくてき)に为し,だれにも让(ゆず)らない
    【俄语翻译】 не откáзываться от справедливого дéла
    【其他语言】 <法>quand il sagit de faire le bien,il ne faut pas chercher à sesquiver
    【成语谜语】 不拒绝好事



    三、成语接龙 当仁不让


    Shuicheng Venice, can be said for the romantic and students.

    If everyone had a lifetime dream trip to Paris, the Parisians have a lifetime dream to go wrong? Yes, that is Venice.

    Venice is said to have the worlds best and most romantic cafe. Venices oldest and most well-known coffee shop is facing Piazza San Marco Leon Froschs Cafe. This is a start in 1720 at the old shop. Frosch to Lyon, no matter what class, the main purpose of nothing more than to hear the latest street gossip. And the owner of the cafe Frosch Lyon. I Si Keni of the French "Radio" because he "all-knowing, the ability to know and everything, without parallel in history, no past." 250 years of history, the Venetian for the favorite coffee shop, has been retained in the early 19th century looks like. In the summer, the cafe will be placed in the square tables and chairs, but the best is still sitting in cafes, small taste of her mood. In the cafe, also described as a result of Venices scenery and the famous Canaletto painting of the cafe from the outside looking in the landscape. The cafe also by Byron, Goethe, and other writers of all ages.


    In fact, I admired the most in Paris, would have thought it would be a romantic list of champions. First of all, Paris and the romantic prince of Troy, the largest of the same name is a kind of romantic. Paris has the Seine known for the world, and this really romantic capital, Paris is the worlds highest marriage rate in the city, walk on the left bank, to roam in the cafes, museums, enjoy the mellow wine, this is how it romantic?

    Sri Lanka

    Sri Lanka is a very exciting and ever-changing world of paradise, colorful images and clear natural voice assail the nostrils of the aromatic blend of spices, affable face, the culture of peace and tolerance to the integration of religious background.

    Winston Churchill once described her as "the Pearl of the Orient" and Sri Lanka itself is shaped like a drop of water droplets, like a perfectly cut diamond. Sri Lanka and the Maldives add radiance to each other well-known tourist destination, attracting those who could not romantic by nature, the adventure-loving people?

    Seychelles in the Indian Ocean Islands

    Located in the Seychelles in the Indian Ocean, is a paradise on earth. Blue sky, clear water, sun, sand, sea ... ... Seychelles have a beautiful island country should have all that and more.

    Most of the island amazed when the Seychelles a few of the treasures the sea coconut. The sea and coconut trees, public trees and trees grow side by side always, but the roots are entangled. Public tree tall and straight, the maximum length to more than 30 meters, generally about 56 meters above the trees. It is said that if a cut, and the other line will be "Xunqing died." The plant is usually so, how can it not to sigh sadly, fondly Dunsheng feeling? There are many on the island on the coconut of the sea of romantic legend, is said to the full moon night of male sea coconut tree will move on its own to coconut trees and female share the night, so people are not eligible to get night in the coconut forest in order to avoid the evil scenery.

    However, such a romantic place to stay last night, an average of five per person to spend 9000 pounds Oh.


    Have you ever found: ROMA (Rome) of the letters written in the other way around AMOR, is the Latin "love".

    Rome is a city worthy of the name of love. Romes spirit is eternal.

    Its a speeding motorcycle around the street, you can think of "Roman Holiday" and the romantic, there is the ancient arena, the international fashion brand FENDI rest of the business, spiritual and material existence, civilization and modern Rome doing my part to make the fair has become a romantic Fifth of the city.


    This is Don Juan, Carmens hometown is the birthplace of the flamingo. This is the essence of Spanish culture lies.

    Vanity Fair, Merry, enthusiasm, achievement of Seville, Juan Tangs character. There is no fixed theme, everything can happen. Deep in alleys, on both sides of the Moorish style, is homes, the old Arab city of Mirage faintly visible and let you around ... ...

    It is said that this is the most suitable cities Aquarius Oh, like water bottles hovering in the maverick of the people of unlimited reverie strange city, you do not know what is treason to shape her character or her uninhibited you created?

    四、当仁不让 怎么接下一句我该说什么才是

    take sth as ones obligation
    make virtue ones burden
    manage sth for the just cause
    in good causes do not lag behind
    not decline ones responsibility when it is called for
    Elder siblings in Chinese society do not decline shouldering a responsibility when its called for.


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    金兰之好 琴瑟之好 秦晋之好 谁推荐几首女生唱的轻柔.委婉悠扬的动听歌曲? 关于“乌鸦”成语有哪些? 死字开头的四字成语是什么 飞黄腾达是什么意思 浪开头的成语有哪些 里什么外什么?成语 l作文邻居600字 说好话夸人的成语 柳永的鹤冲天黄金榜上应该怎么朗诵 带灯字的成语有哪些 “兀”组什么词? 诗人渴望 带“霞”的唯美词语有哪些? 完美出的所有网游游戏有什么区别 否的成语有哪些? 概括冯骥才通过文学和绘画做到了什么 了开头四字成语 团开头的成语接龙 胸开头的成语有哪些 水什么山什么一个成语 《江城子,密州出猎》的主旨是什么 ? 带“灯”字的四字成语有哪些? 形容人很红的成语 类似于惊弓之鸟的成语 形容“快死了的小草又重新活过来”的成语有哪些? 有什么比较有名的长篇诗词? 什么学什么练成语 带外成语有哪些成语 你说人的一生到底为了什么说长也不长、说短也不短 生老病死、爱别离、怨长久、求不得、放不... 男说鲁管是啥意思? 天意下联:群内红包发个不休 象可以组什么成语 带汤的成语 成语大全 什么什么不动 形容幼儿博学的成语 瑶族和苗族有区别吗 一辈子说长不长说短不短英语 带有教字的成语有哪些 飞黄腾达历届冠军资料 《完美世界》的等级划分是什么? 水字开头成语接龙 形容高兴的成语有哪些? 你要的爱的歌词是什么意思? 别人一直抓住这句话不放我... 和一动不动的类似词语有哪些? 形容人多aabb的词语 一、谈谈你对“治大国,如烹小鲜”的理解它体现了老子的什么治... 江山打不通 中华历史上哪些名人道貌岸然变成伪君子? 项字成语有哪些 说短不短怎么翻译成英文 形容灯的成语有哪些 岿然不动 时,是不是用了“... “颇”可以组什么词? 核舟记原文+翻译+字词注释 请教一下这一首诗的意思 趔趗什么字? 瑶族与汉族有什么区别 梅花诗:乌灯黑火是什么意思,乌灯黑火猜是个啥肖 恬淡简朴是什么意思? 谁有 新三国中27集曹操论袁绍的那段台词, 原著也可,曹操藐... 描写古代文人乐观旷达胸襟的诗句有哪些? 飞扬跋扈为谁雄&quot;出自那里?什么意思? 惟蔽于人欲 请教一下,《凌雾行》这首诗的具体意思是什么?谁能给解释一下啊... “教学相长也”是什么意思?