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日期:2021-04-22 00:36:34

Not Now, Dr。 Miracle

Severino Antinori is a rich Italian doctor with a string of private fertility clinics to his name。 He likes watching football and claims the Catholic faith。 Yet the Vatican is no fan of his science。

In his clinics, Antinori already offers every IVF treatment under the sun, but still there are couples he cannot help。 So now the man Italians call Dr Miracle is offering to clone his patients to create the babies they so desperately want。

And of course it‘s created quite a stir, with other scientists rounding on Antinori as religious leaders line up to attack his cloning plan as an insult to human dignity。 Yet it’s an ambition Antinori has expressed many times before。 What‘s new is that finally it seems to be building a head of steam。 Like-minded scientists from the US have joined Antinori in his cloning adventure。 At a conference in Rome last week they claimed hundreds of couples have already volunteered for the experiments。

Suddenly, the idea of cloning people is no longer the preserve of cranks, religious sects and those on the fringes。 Scientists with credentials and track records seem to be entering the field。 Antinori shot to fame seven years ago helping grandmothers give birth using donor eggs。 Later he pioneered the use of mice to nurture the sperm of men with poor fertility。 He is clearly no ordinary scientist but a showman who thrives on controversy and pushing reproductive biology to the limits。 And that of course is one reason why he’s seen as being so dangerous。







一夜成名 外刊中常见的翻译是
become an overnight sensation
become famous overnight , shoot to fame overnight 等
此外,一举成名be vaulted to fame
Yang Liping, Bai people , comes from Yunnan , Dali。 She never went to any dancing school , although she fell in love with dancing since a very young age。In 1971,she was accepted by the Xishuangbanna Prefecture song and Dance Ensemble straightly from village。 In 1986,she wrote and performed a solo dance “Spirit of the peacock”, rising with a big fame。 From that on, she has been regarded as the “witch” and “the God of dance”。

[词典] spring into fame; achieve instant fame; become famous overnight; become famous with one move;
It was his brilliant performance in ‘My Left Foot’ that established his reputation。


    请教一下这一首诗的意思 什么是zevan顺天者存,逆天者亡itns? 带有修成语有哪些 曹操生性多疑,和袁绍的外宽内忌,用人而疑之有什么区别吗? 水气病分为几类?其证候特征是什么? 什么死什么什么成语 歌词里有<青春无悔>这几个字 叫什么名字啊?如题 ... 前面有"一"的成语有什么? 关于文字的成语有哪些? 飞扬跋扈为谁雄”诗句为题写一百字的感... 四字词语大全1000个 形容自在安闲舒适的样子成语 "佛说 文字开头的成语 瞎灯黑火迷底 为什么冬天买来的蚬子都不张嘴吐沙子啊?是不是死了啊,泥怎么出... “铁”字的偏旁怎么读? 墨犀通明,禅味一如 形容飞黄腾达的成语有哪些 飞黄腾达猜一生肖 能否用一个成语尽量概括 “为了一个明确的目标而无暇顾及其他” 日月如梭中梭的意思 一辈子说长不长说短不短,不就图个有人惦记吗 江城子.密州出猎的主旨是什么 ? 男女都属牛结婚会犯冲? 机场镇去上海第九人民医院怎么走 人这一生,说长也不长,说短也不短.当一个人蓦然回首,发现该做... 加上符号,弄个QQ昵称! 花蛤没有张开壳是因为烹饪之前就死了吗 以“歹”字开头的成语有哪些 乌黑乌黑的什么? 无路请缨,等终军之弱冠;有怀投笔,爱宗悫之长风 地陷天不塌大灾有大爱意思 关于汤的成语有哪些? 形容知识渊博的成语有哪些? 《小石潭记》原文及翻译和注释 太行山有哪些历史传说? 歇后语 形容心里忐忑不安,平静不下来 表示死亡的四字词语有哪些,求词语和解释 新版《三国》诸葛亮与王朗对骂的台词 莲动,叶生波后面一句是什么? 这个图的谜底是什么? 《经典咏流传》所有歌曲有哪些? 小惩大诫是什么意思 ()精打采、()己为人、()丝不动、聚精会()、满()怒火、... 什么头什么臂成语 关于大象的成语有哪些? 舞文弄墨成语意思 一腾有什么成语 以说字开头的成语 骨髓的髓怎么组词 形容人说话没礼貌的成语 怎么检测蓄电池啊? 陈靖姑的介绍 什么深浅的四字成语 形容声音悠扬动听的词语 任云卷云舒.什么意思啊? “歹”字开头的四字成语有哪些? 顺天者昌,逆天者亡? 描写心情忐忑害怕的句子 描写不动的成语 外什么内什么的成语 颇是什么字读音是什么 长篇古诗词有哪些? “淡泊宁静”是什么意思? 形容人的aabb词语 当“忌”是“戒除”的意思时,怎么组词当“忌”是“认为不适宜... 金兰之好 琴瑟之好 秦晋之好