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日期:2022-09-03 01:01:51

  • 谁可以翻译一下这句英语
  • 谁能翻译一下一句英语?
  • 谁能翻译一下以下的英文意思
  • 谁能帮我翻译一下(用英语)
  • 一、谁可以翻译一下这句英语



    1, product update cycle is short, Samsung to develop hundreds of new products every year,every 3 months, will launch new products aimed at different target customers, which makesthe Samsung brand maintain exuberant vitality, constantly consolidate the image in the minds of consumers.
    2, to the high-end customers in the main, Samsung mobile phone in Chinese in high-endmarket, the market oriented pricing, quality, prestige pricing pricing pricing strategy.Samsung mobile phone according to the Chinese consumers pay attention to mobile phonebrand, position, fashion design factors. Samsung mobile phone not to determine the cost of products is the basis of pricing, but market-oriented.
    3、同一时间上市的产品种类多,三星手机目前在中国大陆市场销售的产品有300多种。产品划分从B-S 拥有12个产品系列。各系列是面向不同人群划分。
    3, the same time listed products, Samsung mobile phone currently has more than 300 sales in the market, products Chinese. Products are divided from the BS has 12 series of products. The series is divided for different groups of people.
    4 new products, Samsung mobile phone always execute skimming pricing. In order to grab as much money as possible from the listing of new products. Samsung products listed on the early, set high prices, before competitors to develop similar products, recover investment,and achieve a considerable profit. Then, with the passage of time, gradually reduce the pricein the new products enter the market with high elasticity.
    5, Samsung mobile phone implement localization production. Samsung mobile phone at present, no OEM factory, is a manufacturer of production. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd.and Tianjin Electronic Instrument Corporation in 2001 August joint venture established TianjinSamsung Communication Technology Co., Ltd., mainly the production of GSM mobile phone.In 2002, Samsung Electronics Group established Shenzhen Samsung Kejian MobileCommunication Technology Co., Ltd., mainly the production of Samsung CDMA mobile phone. Samsung mobile phone including high-end mobile phone does not exist because theimport, import tax rate is higher than the parts import tax rate, so Samsung usually imported parts, to Chinese factory assembled.


    In recent years, people gradually realized that traditional in refrigeration
    compressor caused heavy pollution to the environment at the same time.
    Improvement of cooling technology, reduce environmental pollution is a main
    research direction in todays cooling technology. Magnetic refrigeration is a
    kind of magnetic material as the working medium cooling technology, it has the
    advantages of low energy consumption, no pollution and refrigeration efficiency
    higher characteristic, is known as a green refrigeration technology,
    refrigeration technology is expected to become the future in the future. This
    paper explores the La (Fe, Al) 13 compounds of crystal structure and magnetic
    thermal performance. La (Fe1 - xSix) 13 than La (Fe1 - xAlx) 13 compounds of
    magnetic more complex, along with the variations of Al content, La (Fe1 - xAlx)
    13 compounds present different magnetic state, when x is between 0.38 and 0.54
    because the ferromagnetic direct coupling between Fe - Fe and Fe - Al - Fe
    antiferromagnetic exchange coupling of competition, La (Fe1 - xAlx) 13 compounds
    present mixed magnetic state, when the x value between 0.14 and 0.38 compounds
    as soft ferromagnetic state, x lies between 0.08 to 0.14 La (Fe1 - xAlx) 13
    compounds show for typical antiferromagnetic state, a larger in the variable
    magnetic switch


    Any Mosslom peoples hotel, the provisions store front of doors all hang a piece of wood card and up draw a thing that is like small wine pot and below hang a to grow one two short red cloths.That top draws of in fact isnt a wine pot, but wash pot, call a soup bottle again.The background that speaks of it there is also a beautiful legend.
    It is rumored that tang dynasty initial stage, national wealth the people is strong.One day at the mid-night, Tangs king did a crossbeam Luo that strange dream dream a gold palace Ca 1 split, seeing the gold palace will tumble down down.At this time, sees a black face big fellow with tall and big in stature shape come over here, he the head tie up a plain white cloth and wear green tunic, the shoulder takes a towel, the left hand lifts a wash pot, right hand upwards on giving, split of crossbeam crest go up.
    Early on the second day toward, the Tang king speaks this strange dream to the text the martial big minister listen to and call everyone to interpret dream.But everyone dont start a dare voice.Tangs king has a little angry, say:" Have no a person can speak beginning and ends in it?"At this time, Xu Mao Gong of the cleverness echoes to move a way:"The Qi reports his majesty, this dream indicates my big Tangs rivers mountain will meet danger, but unimportant, help each other from someone."Tang Wang Wen Dao:"Who is the person who helps each other ?"Xu Mao Gong says:"The black face big fellow that helps imperial government from attired to up see is the people in Western Regions, lifted a from the his hand again washed pot to see, he was Western Regions to return to Mosslem people."Many ministers felt reasonable to listen to.But someone disagrees and says:"Now I big Tangs rivers mountain is solid if strongly fortified city, world peace, does the everyone live happily and how can have a turmoil?"Xu Mao Gong says with smile:"This is only a dream that the emperor has, are also 1 that lifts for us to come to, call us to dont want tall Zhen without the sorrow.Who can know to will take place in the future how of matter!"
    Led no longer than two years, imperial government indeed as expected turmoil, a big minister revolted imperial government and declared and seize tang dynasty world.Count 100,000 battalions all over the place and since then, Tangs soldier arrives to can not hold up against and see the imperial government rivers mountain Be about to ruin.Tangs king hurriedly sends Xu Mao Gong to go to Western Regions to ask for help.Wang Er Hua in Western Regions didnt say and right away promised to send army 50,000, was led by the great commander Yuan Nai Si to left for to mutually save.Because person in Western Regions good command of to ride to shoot, the braveness fights well.Didnt then quell to revolt this time to the effort in half year.Tangs king really appreciates mutually saving of king in Western Regions, the government troopses having a great achievement to the battle carry on award for merit.At that time, the Yuan Nai Si general and a part of soldiers didnt return to country, but stayed down.Tang Wang Pa gets homesick and all gave them the Na close, became a house, and then set up a big mosque, provide them with the week.Tangs king orderanies craftsman again and cast some elegant gold pot and copper pot according to a pot of style in washing of Arabia and provided them with the week of use.Because this is Tangs king to give of wash pot, so call Tangs bottle.Afterwards because of the homophonic, call became a soup bottle.After beating this, Muslems hotel, provisions stores all use a piece of wood card and up draw the pattern of soup bottle and write the certain context of Arabic language"Islamic", the wood card crashes down the length both sides red cloth.This kind of brand BE"Islamic brand" and make "Islamic" sign to use, let once the person see brand, it is Mosslom peoples hotel or Mosslom peoples provisions store to then know


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