
位置:淮南象牙塔成语大世界 > 成语故事 > 中国美术史(名词解释)


日期:2021-10-07 15:32:19

中华人民共和国是。PRC(the People‘s Republic of China)

China is really a great country。
It stands in Asia and lies on the west coast of the ocean。 China covers 9,600,000square kilometers。 People of about 1.3billion live and work together on the land。56 nations make up the whole population of China。
As is know to anybody, China has a long history of 5000 years, which turns out rich culture and special style。 It’s said that every corner of Chinese ancient history was filled with varieties of prominent art works。 All this influences people here by giving them a lot of feelings, experiences, images and ideas about life。 But China also had a troubled past since 1840。 She saw a lot: Xinghai Revolution against feudal dynasty in 1911,the anti—Japanese war during 1937—1945, the civil war broken out in 1946。Most big events brought pains, poverty to Chinese people, but they never gave in 。 Oppositely, people learnt not to weep when faced the hardship。 They were taught to be strong enough to solve each problem。 It’s the troubled time that create the valuable character for Chinese people。 Finally they were succeed in rebuilding and developing the motherland。
China was founded as an independent country named People’s Republic of China in 1949 。 After that, it began to its door to the world and built bridges of friendship with many other countries。 Since then, China set its steps of fast development on all the sides, especially in the field of science and technology。 We can say that new Chinese history is filled with great achievements。 To exploring space, the CSA has developed the highly successful Long March rocket series。 At present the scientists are preparing for the nation’s first manned space flight flying to the moon。 In the field of genetic research, China also plays an important role。 In 2000,our scientists have announced that they completed the their part of the international human genome project。
Up to now, China has all the way received more and more attentions from the whole world。 She is showing its great changes to the world and becomes active on the big stage of the world。 Surely she’ll have a better future。
The People’s Republic of China is a socialism country with its own characteristics。 It is one of the developing countries。
China lies in the east of Asia。 It has a number of neighboring countries。 To the north, northeast and northwest are the Mongolia, Russia and Korea。 To the south are Vietnam, Laos, Thailand and the Philippine。 To the west and southwest are India, Burma, Bhutan, Nepal and Pakistan。 To the east is Japan, which faces China across the East China Sea。
China is a country with a vast territory①。 It has an area of over 9,600,000 square kilometers。 It consists of 34 provinces, autonomous regions②, and municipalities directly under the Central Covernment③。 Beijing, which is situated in the North China, is its capital。
The People‘s Republic of China is one of the largest countries in the world。 Now it has a population of more than 1.2 billion, making up a quarter of the world population。

As is well known to us all,China is one of four ancient and civilizational countries in the world。In fact ,It has a more long history than we have ever known。Because of this,many ancient architectures and all sorts of historical books are often found in different places in china 。In china ,It’s easier for you to find a person than you can in any countries。that is,China has the largest number of population on the Earth,which,however,also puts great burden on our country。
There are fifty-six peoples in our country。We get along well with each other and often disasters can draw us more together。besides,chinese food is very famous for its good tast and nutrition。many people in other countries are fond of it and try their best to cook it。Every year,plenty of foreigners from different countries come china to have a sightseeing。here you can look around lots of places of interest。
I really hope our country will become more and more flourishing and pople will live a happier and happier life。I‘m a chinese man and I am proud of being born in china。
Shenzhen “TANYU” Garment Accessories Co。 Ltd is a modernized comprehensive enterprise integrating the research and development, production and sale of all kinds of middle and high grade buttons。 The company, headquartered in Shenzhen which is a modernized costal city with beautiful sceneries and international influence, established the“TANYU” brand in the early of 2004。 At present, the company owns a modernized production base of more than 20000 square meters and has set up many branch marketing companies throughout the country gradually, with staff over 500 employees。 Through many years’ arduous effort and development plan, the comprehensive strength of “TANYU”has been increasing stably, realizing the strategic goal of sustainable and sound development。 The popularity and reputation degree of its brand increases steadily in the industry。 Besides, its products are favored by many domestic and overseas customers and network businessmen。 Because of the good brand reputation and perfect pre-sale、in-sale and after-sales services, the “TANYU”has established the long-term and stable strategic partnership with many famous clothing brands at home and abroad。 The 60% of the products have been sold into many countries and regions like Hong Kong, America, Southeast Asia, Central Europe, etc。

China is located in east Asia。中国坐落在东亚
It is one of the oldest countries over the world。是世界上最古老的国家之一
It has many wonders of the world,such as The Great Wall,Terracotta Warriors and Horses。它有像长城、兵马俑这样的世界奇观
The largest palace of the world the Forbidden City is located in Chinese capital Beijing。首都北京有着世界上最大的宫殿——故宫
The 29th summer Olympic Games was just held in Beijing and other Chinese cities in 2008 August。 北京在2008年成功举办了奥运会

The last hidden world 最后的隐世净土 中国
China For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures。 数世纪来 旅人传诵着关于这片神奇土地 以及那些神奇生物的传说 Chinese civilization is the world’s oldest civilazation。 中国文明是世界最古老的文明 and today it‘s largest 而如今是最宏博的 with well over a billion people 那数十亿的人民 It’s home to more than 50 distinct ethnic groups 现存超过五十个民族 and a wide range of traditional life styles 以及各式各样贴近自然的 often inclose partnership with nature 传统生活方式 We know that China faces immense social and environmental problems 我们都知道中国面对着着众多社会 环境问题 but there is great beauty here too 但这里也存在着令人窒息的美丽


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