
位置:淮南象牙塔成语大世界 > 成语故事 > 《返老还童》电影的经典台词(英文+翻译)


日期:2021-07-17 17:44:23

For what it‘s worth, it’s never too late, or in my case, too early,
to be whoever you want to be。
There‘s no time limit, stop whenever you want。
You can change or stay the same。
There’s no rules to this thing。
We can make the best or the worst of it。
I hope you make the best of it。
I hope you see things that startle you。
I hope you feel things you never felt before。
I hope you meet people with a different point of view。
I hope you live a life you‘re proud of。
If you find that you are not, I hope you have the strength to
start all over again

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is a 2008 American fantasy drama film directed by David Fincher。 The screenplay by Eric Roth and Robin Swicord is loosely based on the 1921 short story of the same name by F。 Scott Fitzgerald。 The film stars Brad Pitt as a man who ages in reverse and Cate Blanchett as the love interest throughout his life。 The film was released in the United States on December 25, 2008。

The film received thirteen Academy Award nominations, including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor for Pitt, and Best Supporting Actress for Taraji P。 Henson。 It won Oscars for Art Direction, Makeup, and Visual Effects。
本杰明一步一步变老,渐渐丧失记忆,丧失说话的功能,不会走路,最后变成短短的一个婴儿,安详的闭上眼睛,永远睡在了爱人的怀里。然后那个反向走的钟被换下,一个电子钟安上。 自己看看哇好电影

1919, of the people all over the world from the First World War had just come out of the haze at the time, but in the United States, a strange thing happened in Baltimore。 A man named Benjamin Button (Brad Pitt played) the singularity at the birth of the baby after the birth parents have been abandoned in the street。 Since this was an unprecedented one monster is born like a古昔elderly。 Fortunately, a kind of black women adopted this strange baby Button。 And in the subsequent years of education took him to live with him to grow old and even though the body of Benjamin Button and seemingly about to step-mother who passed away before he usually looks at “peer” among the students themselves laughing stocks being ridiculed。 However, the不离不弃old stepmother at all times to give him a reason to continue to survive。 Finally, Benjamin greeted the people on earth to survive in the first 11 years of him at this time seems to look younger health。 But still老态龙钟。 However, Barton encountered in school completely changed his life the second woman - it was only 6-year-old girl Daisy (Cate Blanchett ornaments), her sweet and pure and complete conquest of the “Old Man” Barton’s heart。 Same in good faith and Barton, also touched the hearts of clear small Daisy, the love between the two men begin embryonic heart 。。。 。。。

  After ten years, the Second World War, the war even more fiercely to burn the whole world。 Unrest situations, Benjamin Button and, like many Americans, came by ship from Britain to the United States to contribute to the anti-fascist war。 During this period, he met all kinds of people, witnessing to the real tragedy of life, but also to experience the brilliance of humanity's greatest 。。。 。。。

  Two after the war, Benjamin to return to the United States。 At this point, he has a child out of state like the old, gradually grow into the handsome and charming middle-aged。 And, like fate childhood in New York with a dream lover again Daisy。 Daisy is also the time of the completion of a grace Keren, the cause of the success of the pretty dancers。 After two exchanges of ripe, after the appearance of age and at all the case of perfectly matched with a bright happy Spend a few years time。 However, as time continues, Benjamin continued the young, handsome, he also attracts the sun to a charming girl Elizabeth Abbott (Tilda Swinton decoration) of the intrusion。 All suffer from in the years to their age at the time of Benjamin Button has reversed and the like on youth in general。 Just as the experience of two world wars of the world have the same baptism, to show more vitality。 At the same time, Barton and the relationship between people love all kinds of experience with insurmountable obstacles。 。 。


    解释日月如梭的梭的意思 “痛饮狂歌空度日,飞扬跋扈为谁雄”是什么意思? 为什么?现在的人都那么高傲,爱装逼 有 昌 字的四字成语 瑶族和苗族有区别吗 带有五的成语 中国共产党成立的时间是1921年7月1日还是7月23日? 李世民为什么逼李渊退位﹖ 什么成语带腾的 看孙郎的典故是什么 上上卦是什么意思 鲁迅先生逝世后的社会背景 形容逃跑快的成语有哪些? 坍字的读音 浦江哪里有二手水晶机器卖 跟水有关的成语有哪些 逃组什么词 居善地,心善渊,与善仁,言善信,政善治,事善能,动善时 “忍把浮名,换了浅斟低唱” 这句话是什么意思啊?? 宁波历年中考作文题目 团花簇锦的意思 指人飞黄腾达的成语 和忐忑不安相近的成语 描写人物心情高兴的成语 西服为什么有一个扣永远不会扣 "谢家宝树 柳永的品质 带珠成语有哪些成语 谁能提供些好听的,有激情的歌曲啊?要积极向上 天塌地陷 玄武门之变后的李渊已经被架空了,他的退休生活是什么样的? 花什么锦什么成语 为什么是秦国统一中国而不是楚国统一中国 推文是什么意思 忐忑什么什么成语 道什么接成语 第四个字是道的成语有哪些 四字成语 成语什么腾什么绕 死乞百赖和死气白咧哪个对 瑶族和苗族有区别吗求大神帮助 形容浪子的成语有哪些? 顺天者亡 逆天者生 这句话对不? 网易什么游戏好玩 为什么说五千年历史看山西 炒的花蛤不张嘴能吃吗? 坍怎么读音是什么 陈靖姑 百度知道里面关于她的出处有错误 请问我梭了是什么意思? 趔 读什么 有个成语什么死什么悲 什么腾腾的成语 可以用什么成语来形容这一幕 带“绚丽”两字的成语有哪些? 乌黑乌黑的什么填空 惊弓之鸟的含义是什么 请问成语“龙腾什么跃”? 形容亲切的成语 关于诚信的历史事件 好段大全 形容脸上表现出高兴的样子是什么成语 白色鸟的阅读答案~ AABB式四字词语有哪些 形容态度亲切的成语 求形容君王的意识深远程度 决定国势大局发展此类意思的古文或名... “青春都一晌,忍把浮名,换了浅斟低唱”是柳永的哪首词... 婉转悠扬 哪个字错了?