
位置:淮南象牙塔成语大世界 > 成语故事 > “名师大将莫自牢,千军万马避白袍”这句诗说的是哪位武将,是张...


日期:2021-05-13 02:26:21


你这是要写论文吧 嘿嘿
21century is a combination of knowledge and science and technology of humanistic economic times, the traditional practices in science and knowledge of leading the new century are being phased out, scientific management is the enterprise survival will choose a better way。 Along with the rapid economic development of our country, our country restaurant industry growing competition, both in quantity and quality in a bigger development。 At the same time, consumer demand also increasingly diverse, from the core staffs loss of influence on the enterprise, this paper discusses the reasons of the loss of key employees and through this discussion find out solution countermeasures。 Key employees in the role of the restaurant is very outstanding, their continuous drain has become a restaurant industry with human resource management of a difficult problem。 Restaurant appropriate staff turnover to “get” introduce high-quality staff improve enterprise name recognition, but a lot of staffs loss to the enterprise management will inevitably cause certain difficult。

This paper mainly USES the field investigation, the roast duck flavor restaurant in piece key employees loss analysis of the causes, and based on this study solutions, perfect the restaurant management mechanism。 By analyzing the problems, find out a roast duck flavor restaurant employees of core the reasons for the loss, and a preliminary understanding of the restaurant industry in personnel management of the problems and pursuit of high pay employees, seek better development opportunities and old concept psychology。

The author through this problem analysis of research understand, any enterprise development needs a stable environment, a large number of employees to enterprise by the loss of immeasurable loss, core staff in the enterprise staff team plays a decisive role in, their loss not only influence enterprise performance more important is it still will be moved employee morale, so keep enterprise core staff is an enterprise the urgent task。
Keywords: core staff, erosion, the solutions

get rid of the stale and take in the fresh


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